Harry had a family and a job as a truck driver nearly three years ago. He unexpectedly lost his job followed by the devastating loss of his family who left. He also lost his home and his car. His mental health issues became exceedingly unmanageable and John remained living on the streets of Albuquerque for more than two and a half years.
He took respite in shelters and also began receiving meals from St. Martins. Over time he began utilizing services at the shelters in an effort to get some relief from the streets with a goal of someday having a place to live. Applying for services, with an overwhelming amount of paperwork, was necessary. Suffering from mental health issues and the complexity of the system required help and he received assistance from the staff at the shelter.
He was awarded social security benefits and began doing odd jobs at St. Martin’s shelter.
Just recently, he became qualified for housing. With nothing but his backpack, he is in the process of moving off of the streets of Albuquerque. From the $100 Angel Money he is able to buy necessities to get his life, and his new home in order. He has been asked to sit on the Board of Directors for St. Martin’s, as the voice for the homeless. He is on his way to regaining a new life, a new “normal”, and is setting an example for others on the streets that there is hope and people who truly and deeply care.